Winterhalter A12TK Active Chlorine Tannin Remover Powder 1kg

£20.11 Ex. VAT

22 in stock


Winterhalter A12TK is a powerful, powdery active chlorine concentrate designed to effectively clean stubborn coffee and tea stains. Ideal for commercial dishwashers, it excels at removing tough, dried-on stains and discolouration from glasses and dishes. In addition to eliminating yeast and other organic beverage residues from drinking glasses, Winterhalter A12TK ensures hygienic basic cleaning of commercial dishwashers. This versatile cleaner is suitable for a variety of materials, including glass, porcelain, plastic and stainless steel.

For perfect cleaning results, the product is recommended for use in Winterhalter systems in combination with the corresponding warewasher, detergents, rinse aids and water treatments.


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