Waring Sous Vide Integrated Water Bath 16Ltr WSV16E

SKU: CU764 Categories: ,

£186.29 Ex. VAT

36 in stock


Nothing quite compares to the texture and taste you can achieve by cooking sous vide. And with the Waring WSV16E integrated water bath, you can do just that.

With its impressive 16 litre capacity and highly accurate temperature control, the Waring makes the whole process much easier. Simply set the temperature and timer with one-touch controls and the WSV16E gives you the confidence to get on with other tasks, reliably keeping temperatures within .05°C as defined. By circulating up to 6 litres of water every minute, temperatures are kept precise throughout the whole water bath.

Cleaning is easy too, thanks to strong stainless steel construction throughout, as well as a handy hose system which makes it effortless to drain.


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