Follet Champion 15 Ice and Water Dispenser

SKU: HZ097 Categories: ,

£4,938.09 Ex. VAT

0 in stock


The E15CI114A-IW-NF-ST-00 Follet 15 Champion ice and water dispenser offers cutting edge refinements that build upon the market-leading features of the original 15 Series. Packed full of features, the Follet 15 is a compact and user-friendly solution which provides a reliable source of clean, fresh ice and water for guests or staff.

Designed to be easy to install, the Follet is drainless, so there’s no need for specialist plumbing to drainage – this makes it much easier to install where needed. On the front, the ice and water dispenser includes an intuitive touchscreen which provides a simple self-help menu and advanced diagnostics.

Hygiene and cleanliness is easy to maintain too. With a full suite of sanitation features such as clean light technology, internal UV light and Agion antimicrobial protection, you can rely on the Follet 15 to produce clean, great-tasting ice and water every time.

This is the standard model and does not include an internal Claris water filter.


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