Buffalo Veg Prep Attachment for Buffalo Bowl Cutter

£206.99 Ex. VAT

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Unleash the potential of your DM070 Buffalo bowl cutter with this versatile veg prep attachment. Incredibly easy to fit and clean, the attachment gives you the flexibility to prep even more food with your Buffalo bowl cutter – significantly reducing prep times.

This set includes the main veg prep attachment and four discs – two graters (3 and 7mm), as well as two slicing discs (2 and 4mm). These provide excellent flexibility when it comes to the specific cut that you’re looking for. The attachments are made from high-quality stainless steel that are incredibly hardwearing and maintain sharpness throughout many uses.

The Buffalo cutting attachment features two large inlets – one kidney shaped, the other circle. This allows for use with a variety of shaped and sized ingredients. Additionally, the spring-loaded pusher makes prepping even large batches effortless.


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