Olis Heavy Duty 4 Burner Electric Static Oven Range D94

£3,987.61 Ex. VAT

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The D94 Olis heavy duty oven range is a superb addition to any busy professional kitchen. Featuring four gas hob burners and a powerful static electric oven, the range provides a versatile cooking station, ideal for frying, baking, boiling and roasting.

The advanced right angled Venturi burners prevent nozzles from clogging, so you can keep cooking even after spillages. The nickel plated cast iron stabilised flame burners have two piece flame spreaders, allowing for improved efficiency of the flame by allowing it to be spread over two different sections. And thanks to the specially-designed toughened pan rests, you can use both small and large pots and pans on the hob.

In terms of the oven, the sizable internal cavity can accept double size (2/1 GN) gastronorm trays, providing plenty of space for bigger cooks.


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