Manitowoc Ice Storage Bin 140kg D420

SKU: FU254 Categories: ,

£15,043.71 Ex. VAT

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Designed to be used with Manitowoc ice machines, the D420 Manitowoc ice storage bin is a high capacity, highly hygienic storage solution for just-made ice. Able to store up to 140kg at a time, the bin ensures you’ll always have plenty to dispense, whether it’s installed in a bar, pub or kitchen.

Strong metal construction ensures the bin is highly durable and easy to clean, whilst the clever door design helps you to easily access ice, even when you’ve only got one hand free. The design of the bin also helps to store ice for longer – the insulated door and advanced lining delivers impressive storage times without a separate power connection. Suitable for use with models FU243 and FU244.


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