Zumex Versatile Star All-In-One Slim Juicer 11847

SKU: FU653 Categories: ,

£6,554.99 Ex. VAT

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The 11847 Zumex Versatile Star All-In-One Slim Juicer is designed to be most competitive self-service juicer on the market. Able to squeeze up to 40 fruits per minute, output is impressively high, helping to meet demand even during busy hours.

Incredibly easy to use, the Zumex 11847 can be positioned for self service or assisted service areas – ideal for busy breakfast buffets or gyms. And as the whole juicing process is automated, all you need to do is keep the top-mounted hopper filled with fruit. Pulp and seeds are removed to deliver the very best tasting fruit juices.

Easy to clean and maintain.


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