Santos Cold Press Juicer 65A

SKU: CN990 Categories: ,

£3,208.49 Ex. VAT

13 in stock


Ideal for juice bars, farm shops and food courts, the heavy duty Santos #65 Cold Press Juicer is a great choice for making deliciously healthy juices on demand. Thanks to its innovative cold press system, the #65 carefully presses fruit, vegetables and herbs, releasing all the delicious flavours into the drink whilst preserving the nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

And as the Santos is so effective, it’s great for reducing food waste too – nearly 100% of the food is pressed and juice, leaving only dry husk remaining. The stylish design and quiet operation means the juicer is perfect for juicing directly in front of customers, whilst the extra large chute allows whole fruits to be pressed without pre-slicing.


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